Slow cooker turkey, veggie and feta lasagna

This slow cooker lasagna is the perfect healthy meal to come home to after a busy summer day! It’s loaded with turkey, veggies and feta, which makes it a lighter, summery take on traditional lasagna. Bonus: no noodle boiling!

Hi guys! How’s your morning going? 

It’s been a great one over here. I even woke up early to take the pups for a walk! It was nice to get some fresh air before beginning the morning routine.

Spin last night was amazeballs. Loving the new gym (where I teach spin and Zumba), and they recently installed heart rate screens in the spin and cardio rooms. A few participants were wearing them last night, and one even burned 1,000 calories during class! I’m a huge fan of the heart rate screens -it’s a great way to assess how hard the group is working and if I need to scale anything back or push it up- and appreciate the fact that it’s optional. If it works for you, you can use it; if not, NBD. The spin list included “Dude Looks Like a Lady” as a nod to Mrs. Doubtfire, and then I came home to an awesome dinner.

Ready to dig into the slow cooker:

Post spin and hangry

Waiting inside was a hearty turkey lasagna. The house smelled glorious, but the best part was remember the fact that no noodles were boiled in the cooking process.

I’ve seen quite a few slow cooker lasagna recipes on Pinterest and was instantly intrigued. I loathe boiling noodles. This is 100% due to the fact that they stick together (even after drizzling some olive oil on top), and I usually seem to burn myself while fishing them out of the colander. It’s a normal occurrence in our kitchen to hear the F-word (which has been turned to Frankfurt since little parrot ears are around) and see a lasagna noodle fly to the ground. Totally normal.

I’m now officially obsessed with slow cooker lasagna. Never going back.

Here are some of the ingredients I used in the filling:

slow cooker lasagna ingredients + some organic turkey sausage (more flavor than regular ground turkey) and fresh basil. 

I was a little skeptical about the noodles cooking in the slow cooker. (Flashback to when I thought you could cook rice in there. Surprise: it didn’t turn out well.) BUT, they did! They were pleasantly al dente, not mushy in the least. A few noodles did not cook completely, but for the most part they did surprisingly well. If you want to ensure fully-cooked noodles, I’d suggest the no-boil brand, though I have yet to see a GF variety.

This slow cooker lasagna is the perfect healthy meal to come home to after a busy summer day! It's loaded with turkey, veggies and feta, which makes it a lighter, summery take on traditional lasagna. Bonus: no noodle boiling!

Here’s the recipe breakdown if you’d like to give it a whirl:


Slow Cooker Lasagna with Turkey, Veggies and Feta



  • 2 zucchini, sliced
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • olive oil
  • 1lb turkey sausage
  • 2 jar marinara sauce
  • 1 bag spinach
  • 1 container feta
  • 1 package lasagna noodles (no boil noodles are recommended)
  • a few sprigs of basil, chopped
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Sauté zucchini, onion and garlic in olive oil with salt and pepper.
  2. After about 5 minutes, add turkey sausage, and brown completely.
  3. In the slow cooker, add marinara sauce, 3 noodles and 1/2 of the turkey/veggie mixture
  4. Next cover that with fresh spinach and crumbled feta.
  5. The final layer is noodles, sauce and feta on top
  6. Set on low for 4 hours
  7. Top with fresh basil and feast!

Veggies sautéing

lasagna noodles

spinach and feta

sauce and feta

Slow cooker lasagna with turkey, veggies and feta

Please let me know if you give it a try <3 Have a wonderful morning!

Other Slow Cooker Meals:

Slow cooker turkey meatballs

PRO meals: Slow Cooker Chicken Cacciatore

Slow cooker butter chicken (and vegan option!)

Slow cooker chicken coconut curry

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